Today is World Refill Day, a global day of action to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste. At the storehouse we stock both wet and dry products for your refill needs.

In our dry section, we have cereals, pulses, seeds, dried fruits and confectionery. By using the refillery you are helping to stop the production and use of plastics, as well only buying the amount you need, helping to manage food waste. We understand it can be a little messy and maybe a little tricky to use, however staff at the Storehouse are happy to help with your refill needs.
This recipe for flapjacks from our cafe uses lots of ingredients available in our refillery! Enjoy and help support World Refill Day.
FLAPJACKS - ours has raisins, dried apricots and pumpkin seeds, but you can use any dried fruit or nuts to get the flavour you want!

250g porridge oats
125g butter
125g brown sugar
3 tablespoons golden syrup
75g raisins
75g dried apricots, chopped
75g pumpkin seeds
Put the oats, butter and sugar into a food processor and mix briefly.
Add the golden syrup, fruit and nuts and mix again
Push mixture into a lined 20cmx20cm baking tin and bake at 180*C for 15 minutes
Cut into 12 slices once cool